Same Dorado 76 Ask for price
Dealer number
Price on Application
Dorado 76
Year of Build
Further information
Machinetyp (Condition): Second-hand machine
Make: Same
Model: Dorado 76
Year of Build: 2009
Hours: 3302
Speed Km/h: 40
Front Tyre Size: 320/85 R20
Rear Tyre Size: 380/85 R30
Front Tread Remaining: 100
Rear Tread Remaining %: 100
Transmission: Manual
Control Device - Double Acting: 3
Type: TractorDate of first registration: 2009-05-26T22:00:00.000Z
Engine power (HP): 74
Front left tyre condition: Satisfactory
Front right tyre condition: Satisfactory
Rear right tyre condition: Satisfactory
Rear left tyre condition: Satisfactory
Number of front control units double acting: 2
Mid-mount control units double acting: Yes
Rear top link: Yes
Rear top link type: Mechanical
Rear lower link category: Cat. 2
Rear stabilizer type: Mechanical
Control units rear double-acting: Yes
Number of control units mechanical: 4
Oil return: Yes
Hitch: Yes
Hitch type: Automatic
Hitch bolt size: 38mm
Front spotlights: Yes
Number of front spotlights: 2
Rear spotlights: Yes
Type of spotlights (rear): Halogen
Type of spotlights (front): Halogen
Number of rear spotlights: 2
ELC: Yes
PTO rear revolutions (RPM): 540/750/1000
Seat suspension: Yes
Number of Engine Cylinders: 4
Engine manufacturer: SAME
Number of control units mid mount: 2
Contact Information
Contact Person
+49 40 5729 0366
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